Akash Brewing West Coast IPA


In Your Face Flavor

Pack that boil kettle full of hops, and what do you get? A direct hit to your hop-loving nose and mid-palate. Bitter in the best sense of the word, this is one clean, bright, piney brew. Classic bergamot flavors drift into further hoppy bliss, brightening rather than dampening your palate. This beer makes us seriously hungry for a plate of tacos al pastor.

PS — your friend who “doesn’t like hops” will not be down with this beer. Available in 4-pack tallboys, growlers, and by the glass, our West Coast IPA can be found at our tasting room while supplies last.

Hops: Simcoe, Amarillo, Centennial, Strata
ABV: 7.8%
Gallons Produced: 472