Nanobrewed beers with layers of flavor,

each powered by 8-bit Brewing

Calling our beers “microbrewed” would be like calling Radec a city. Expressive yet refreshing, each batch we brew reflects the very specific, So-Cal vibe of our valley.


Positively Hoptastic

Despite the fact that DIPA stands for “Double India Pale Ale,” this is a truly American style of beer — which was coincidentally, first brewed in Temecula at Blind Pig Brewery.

The hop-centric, in-your-face aromas of our Hazy DIPA drift into a surprisingly smooth, malty flavor in the mouth. High-proof, as a DIPA is bound to be, we suggest you sip it slow and patient-like, allowing the full body weight and deep, brooding aromas to hit you in good time.


Platinum-Level Refreshment

Being a meteorologist in So-Cal is pretty much like winning the lottery. We only have three seasons, after all — Early Summer, Summer, and Late Summer. As such, we need a steady supply of beer that’s not only refreshing, but crisp enough to snap our sun-drenched brains to attention.

Our Akash Blonde Ale is just the ticket — clean as a freshly-pressed dress shirt, with a healthy dose of hops-meets-grapefruit orchard aromas that bring substance and style to the table.


In Your Face Flavor

Pack that boil kettle full of hops, and what do you get? A direct hit to your hop-loving nose and mid-palate. Bitter in the best sense of the word, this is one clean, bright, piney brew. Classic bergamot flavors drift into further hoppy bliss, brightening rather than dampening your palate. This beer makes us seriously hungry for a plate of tacos al pastor.

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Pucker Up

You can thank our friend lactobacillus for the tart, tangy, and infinitely refreshing flavor of Akash Brewing’s Kettle Sour. The magic happens in the mash tun, where hungry probiotics turn sugar into lactic acid. All this acid tends to act as a color booster, adding a little CMYK to this bright, cheery red beer that speaks of summer sun and naps in the hammock.

Hello, Red.

Add a pop of color to your pint, with our mahogany red amber ale. In every gorgeous pour, complex malty flavors and distinctly delicious bitter notes duke it out for dominance on the playing field. We give each side points, then throw in a cheerleading squad of Columbus and Hersbrucker hops. And the crowd goes wild.

Those Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

The clouds clear, and a couple rays of sunshine burst on through. Always makes you smile, right? As does this bright and juicy, unfiltered IPA. We took the bitterness scale down an octave or two, leaving room for a few more of those citrus flower notes we love. Go on, call us a “Hazeboi.” See if we care.

Claro, Que Sí

Drinkability is king, or queen if you will, in this classic Mexican Lager. The addition of corn to the mash during brewing brings crispness, while pilsner malt ensures perfect clarity. No firetruckin’ around here with fancy additions — this beer is meant to quench the meanest summer thirst or Scoville-busting chile.